Friday, December 21, 2007

fieldside at the flamingo

photographed the fieldside refugees at the flamingo cantina a few days ago. here are some of the favorites...

this band is so amazing. they can just jam off of eachother for hours and its completely brilliant. if you ever get a chance to see them live its an experience. <--listen here.

could really only get one angle on these guys so i cant say im totally thrilled with these..however i think they turned out alright.

so the other day drew made butternut squash the squash bowl. deeeelish.

this is probably my last post for about a week. i leave tomorrow for baton rouge for the holidays and a wedding. have a happy holiday and ill have tons of photos when i get back.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

today i met a man named wilson.

and he let me take his photograph.

i couldnt be more proud of these.

Friday, December 14, 2007

music sweet music. my other passion.

i found a jewel today. christmas shopping on-line and got side tracked. imagine that. if you are reading this and know me personally at all youll already know i am totally in love with ray lamontagne. have been for years. hes brilliant. only two cds for me to live on and one unreleased song. he rarely plays anywhere but over seas. he makes it very difficult. so i found two (count 'em TWO) unreleased songs of his. i almost fell out of my chair. if you arent a fan already take the time and listen. genius. <--unreleased covers and live songs. tons and tons of them!

if you are already a fan then i dont even need to tell you what a rare and huge treasure this is.

no photos today. maybe later. gotta go christmas shopping. i hate shopping. enjoy the beautiful songs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

rainy here in austin tonight. stayed around the house and took a couple of photos.

put together my first big piece today. i will take a photo and put it up... have to wait until after christmas though. im really, really happy with it.

one job in the works for next week. for a local austin musician. we'll see. ive got moutains of photo editing to keep me busy.

leaving the 22nd for baton rouge for the holidays! christmas, a wedding, i also have to be fitted for a bridesmaids dress, and we still play up santa for my little brother at our house. i love christmas!!

on a side note:
so drew (my fiance) cut his finger off at school the other day. it was so gross i had to take pictures of NOT scroll down if you have a weak stomach!
we think he'll live.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


one new photo for today. i love this..

working on two new photo projects. big stuff. very excited about it. i will post pics once i get going.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


i sold my very first piece! i'm so excited can hardly stand it. my work is going to be hanging in someones home!

i also added new pieces to the on-line collection...all of the pieces are on sale right now for the holidays..prints from $15! what a steal!

click below to view my art

Sunday, December 2, 2007

just a few...

finally got some wedding pics edited. i haven't even gone through 1/4 are just a few that i like so far.

its been a busy week. hope to have more wedding photos soon.

i heard a sweet new song today..its called mary may and bobby by joe purdy. <--listen here.

had a wonderful weekend. old friends came to town. went on an adventure to san marcos with adrian. saw an amazing and fun band. stayed out late. ate great food. took lots of photos. it was awesome.

Monday, November 26, 2007


home from our lovely holiday. amazing food. sweet family. lots of laughs. great thanksgiving. enjoy the photos.

shot the wedding on saturday. went very well. have around 1000 pics to go through. will be posting a few soon.